No viruses were found in your system.
We did not scan your computer for viruses.
You are infected.
You are under quarantine.
This solution is not the only solution to your problem.
You can find a list of reliable anti-spyware programs at :.
Hi friends! i'm here to do a little bit of auto-detection for your computer problems.
As You all know, there are a lot of stupid.viruses out there that can severely damage a computer.
Many of them make your computer do some very stupid things like search for a fake dial up connection to protect them from being detected.
so i will also scan your computer for this specific type of virus.
Guru Meditation Time
OK so here we go.
As you can see, there are over 1000 files in your system.
This is because the virus that got infected into your system came in through a file that you downloaded onto your computer.
If you have not yet downloaded anything onto your computer.
Then you are not at risk.
Of getting a virus.
Now that we have determined that you are not infected.
We are going to show you some of the most common mistakes people make that can cause them to get infected.
1) Using a CD/DVD drive.
2) Downloading program files.
3) Not running your anti-virus program.
4) Using a search engine.
5) Downloading files from suspicious web sites.
6) Open File From Unknown Source.
7) Downloading files from Peer-to-peer networks.
8) Using a thumb drive or flash memory.
9) Downloading file sharing programs.
10) Downloading files from untrusted and unverified web sites.
11) Searching for files online.
I hope this helps you.
Thank you so much for watching.
My name is James,
I am a member of the Internet Crime Team.
If you have a virus and need help.
Then just give me a call.
If I am able to help you.
Then you will be credited for your virus removal.
If I am unable to help you.
Then you will be credited for not getting a virus.
Thank you.
Good Bye.
With the help of My Registry Mechanic Serial Key, you can easily remove all viruses from your computer.
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